How to Create jQuery Hover Effects

In jQuery, hover() method is used to create hover effects on an HTML element. Using hover() method you can define the actions to occur when the element is hovered over or when the hover state is exited. Here is a simple example :

1. Include Jquery

<script src=""></script>

2. Create HTML Structure

<div class="hover-element">
    <p>Hover over me</p>

3. Write jQuery Code

                // Code to execute when the mouse enters the element
                $(this).css('background-color', '#ffcc00');
                // Code to execute when the mouse leaves the element
                $(this).css('background-color', ''); // Reset background color

Note: You can customize the code and add some advanced hover effects by adding more jQuery functions.

4. Advanced Hover Effect

    $(document).ready(function() {
            function() {
                // Code to run on mouseenter
                    fontSize: '20px', // Increase font size on hover
                    letterSpacing: '2px' // Add letter spacing on hover
                }, 300); // Animation duration in milliseconds
            function() {
                // Code to run on mouseleave
                    fontSize: '16px', // Return to the original font size
                    letterSpacing: '0px' // Remove letter spacing
                }, 300);

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